Delivery in 48/72h anywhere in Metropolitan France (excluding Corsica).
100% natural wood from sustainably managed forests of the Grands Causses or Aubrac in Aveyron (12) and Lozère (48). Dry firewood with a moisture content of less than 20% (category H1).
Your box contains more than a dozen beech logs. This species is one of the best suited to domestic heating and provides a beautiful flame and very pleasant warmth.
Thanks to the cardboard packaging, storage and handling are extremely easy. The hard chore of storing a lumber truck delivered in bulk is over! Robust and easy to handle thanks to their notches, the boxes are easily stackable to save space. These boxes are 100% recycled and of course recyclable, think about it!
Delivery of the pallet:
- Standard delivery :
Votre palette est livrée par camion hayon gros porteur, le plus souvent un camion de 19T de la taille d'un bus de ville. Votre voie d'accès doit donc être suffisament large pour permettre au camion de stationner au plus près de votre domicile. La palette est déchargée du hayon à l'aide d'un transpalette manuel qui ne peut franchir des obstacles tels que les trottoirs. La palette pesant près de 800kg elle ne peut donc être roulée que sur des allées planes et sans obstacle pour des raisons évidentes de sécurité. Dans la mesure du possible nous vous suggérons de programmer la date de livraison de votre palette un jour où il ne risque pas de pleuvoir. Bien plus agréable pour vous et moins dommageable pour les cartons !
- Livraison spécifique 'accès limité et/ou interdit au plus de 7,5T' :
Your pallet is delivered by a vehicle of less than 3.5T equipped with a tailgate. This type of vehicle is recommended for deliveries in the city center, residential area, road, etc. The pallet is unloaded from the tailgate using a manual pallet truck which cannot overcome obstacles such as curbs. The pallet weighing nearly 800kg can therefore only be rolled on flat aisles without obstacles for obvious safety reasons.
Unloading the pallet and storing the boxes:
If you have chosen the option of unloading the pallet and storing the boxes, on his arrival the driver unloads the pallet and puts the boxes where you want them. Attention the distance between the place of unloading and the place of storage must not exceed 25 meters!
Make sure well before the arrival of your pallet that you have cleared the access and freed up enough space to store the boxes. For your comfort and safety, we recommend that you do not stack the boxes on more than 3 levels, 4 levels at the most if you really lack space.
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